Sunday, June 20, 2010

Information About Japanese Language

A lot of persons consider that Japanese Language is very hard to learn, but it is not true. It is very much like English  Language. There are alphabet in Japanese like in English.
This alphabet called Japanese Hirangana,Japanese Katakana ,Kanji etc. Actually Japanese Kanji is inspired from some Chinese language. There are near about 80000 types of Kanji.

If you want to command on Japanese language so you have to make perfect your basic knowledge of Japanese Language. There are some books available for this. If you search on net you can find out lot of websites which is about Learning Japanese Language. You can refer this.

Returning to Japanese Language, as I mentioned above Katakana language is generally used for foreign language, such as name (Persons, city etc).It is used for object name. In Japanese Hiragana is the first step for learning Japanese language. Like in English language Japanese language consist of 5 vowels i.e  a,e ,i,o,u.One new thing in Japanese  Hiragana is all Hiragana character ends with one of this vowels. Talking about grammar the Japanese grammar is different about English grammar. It is like [Subject] [Object] [Verb].Lets talk about Japanese adjectives, there mainly two types of adjective first is i-type and second is na-type .The objective which is end with i called i-type and those end with na called na-type.

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